What is webhosting and how does it Works?

in Tutorials

This is a very detailed guide for you if you wish to learn about the web hosting and how does it works behind the scene.   What’s a web hosting? Web hosting is the service of providing storage space for a website or application on a...

Best Practices for Website Security

in Security

According to internetlivestats, as of 2015, there are more than 3.2 billion internet users and 944 million websites and many more being added every second. In this enormous universe of the internet, the importance of having a secure website is...

18 tips for starting a WordPress blog

in Tutorials

We’re about to look at some great tips for starting a WordPress blog, so get comfortable and get ready to learn. Have a blog focus or plan. Do lots of research. Hook up Yoast SEO. Schedule time for blogging. Properly use categories...

IBM announces cloud based platform for cyber applications

in Announcements

The cloud based platform called ‘IBM Security Connect’ aims to analyze security data across previously unconnected tools and environments. Tech behemoth IBM have announced the availability of their cloud based platform called IBM...

What is the difference between cPanel and WHM?

in cPanel

After buying a web hosting package of choice, every user is given a tool to manage their hosting service. cPanel and WHM are two such tools that help users maneuver and take total charge of their web hosting. However, users who generally buy a web...

How Domain Name Works?

in Hosting

What is a domain name? A domain is the name of your website. Before you can create a website, you will need a domain. A domain name is not something physical that you can touch or see; it is merely a string of characters that give your...

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