What is webhosting and how does it Works?

This is a very detailed guide for you if you wish to learn about the web hosting and how does it works behind the scene.


What’s a web hosting?

Web hosting is the service of providing storage space for a website or application on a server on the internet. Once your website is made available on the internet, it can be accessed by other computers connected to the internet.

How web hosting works:

Web hosts are companies that rent out their services and technologies to host websites on the internet. Once the hosting company hosts your website, users can access it by typing in your web address (domain name) in their web browser. When they do this, their computer connects to the server your website is hosted on. The server in turn serves (sends the files you have stored on the storage to display) the website to your web visitor in their web browser.


Web hosting and data center: Aren’t they the same?

The term “web hosting” usually refers to the server that host your website or the hosting company that rent that server space to you.

Data center usually refers to the facility that is used to house the servers.

A data center could be a room, a house, or a very large building equipped with redundant or backup power supplies, redundant data communications connections, environmental controls – for ex. air conditioning, fire suppression, and security devices.

How to choose the right web hosting package:

There are several web hosting options available. To know which one would be right for your business, ask yourself the following questions:
What kind of website do you plan to host online- a blog, an ecommerce portal, a news website, etc as this will determine how much web traffic you expect and how robust the infrastructure required to host your website, should be.

  • What are the goals of your website? How fast do you see yourself expanding online business?
  • How much hand-holding do you need?


Your answers will determine how much you need of the following:

  • Storage space
  • Bandwidth
  • Control–is it important that you have root control of your server?
  • Cost–how much are you either willing to spend or need to spend?


What’s the different types of web hosting?

There are several types of web hosting, Shared Hosting, Virtual Private Servers(VPS) and Dedicated.

But all these types will provide you a storage center for your website, the difference will be in the storage capacity, your control limits, server speed and reliability. Let’s take a look at the main differences between them.

Shared Hosting:

In shared hosting, one’s web site is placed on the same server as many other sites, ranging from a few to hundreds or thousands. Typically, all domains may share a common pool of server resources, such as RAM and the CPU.

As cost is extremely low, most websites with moderate traffic levels running standard software are hosted on this type of server. Shared hosting is also widely accepted as the entry level hosting option as it requires minimum technical knowledge.

  • Disadvantages – No root access, limited ability to handle high traffic levels or spikes, site performance can be affected by other sites on the same server.
  • How much to spend – Not more than $15 on signup.


Virtual Private Server (VPS):

A virtual private server hosting divides a server into virtual servers, where each websites is like hosted on their own dedicated server, but they’re actually sharing a server with a few different other users.

The users may have root access to their own virtual space and better secured hosting environment with this type of hosting. Websites that need greater control at the server level, but don’t want to invest in a dedicated server.

  • Disadvantages- Limited ability to handle high traffic levels or spikes, your site performance can still be somewhat affected by other sites on the server.
  • How much to spend – $25 – $99/mo; additional costs for those who need extra server customization or special software.


Dedicated Servers:

A dedicated server offers the maximum control over the web server your website is stored on – You exclusively rent an entire server. Your website(s) is the only website stored on the server.

  • Disadvantages – With great power comes… well, greater cost. Dedicated servers are very expensive and it’s only recommended to those who need the maximum control and better server performance.
  • How much to spend – $110/mo and above; price based on server specifications and additional services.


at 21/10/2018, 17:18pm

Updated: at 21/10/2018, 17:18pm

Been read 2685 times

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